The Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation was created in 1986 to provide support for Maine communities. A family foundation, we are interested in projects that address the underlying causes of social and environmental problems, as well as those that address the consequences. We have a strong interest in literacy, community services and the arts. As community builders, we are particularly interested in organizations and projects that will affect or serve the most members of a community.
We receive more requests than we could possibly fund, and therefore have had to restrict the kinds of requests we will consider. We can only provide grants for non-profit organizations; we cannot give money to individuals for their personal use. We will not consider funding for:
- medical care, education or other direct support for individuals
- competitions or athletic sponsorships for individuals
- wheelchair vans or transportation for individuals
- scholarship foundations or programs that award grants or scholarships
- graduation parties or events
- travel, sponsorship or funding for student or athletic groups
- renovations to churches or other religious properties or institutions
- film or video productions, book or publishing projects
- business development, investments or loans
- conferences, meetings, training, or workshops
- organizations whose policies encourage discrimination
- academic research, fellowships or publication
- shelters,hospitals or rehabilitation centers for animals
- construction or improvement of playgrounds or skateparks
- hospice programs or facilities
- animal therapy programs
If you have questions or concerns about your organization’s eligibility, please Contact the Foundation Office